
How to choose prescription safety glasses for work

safety glasses

Prescription safety glasses are designed to protect your eyes from injury or long-term damage without compromising your vision whilst you work. Our eyes are vulnerable to a range of hazards, including heat, light, dust, chemicals, sharp objects and physical impact. As a result, eye injuries are common in high-risk professions such as construction, automotive and

Heavy equipment improvements to make construction better

Construction remains one of the biggest industries throughout the world, as people continue to build structures and expand on civilization and modern improvements. To increase efficiency and productivity in the realm of construction, contractors can make use ofa ton of upgrades and innovations when it comes to their most-used tools – heavy equipment. Here are

Pros and cons of high access DIY equipment

high access equipment

Whether you’re stripping wallpaper or organising the garage, all DIY jobs have a common theme: completing them efficiently and safely. Never is this more important than when you are working at height, where the likelihood of risks – and their associated severity – greatly increases. If you have high level DIY work planned in the