energy saving

Double-glazing vs triple-glazing – Which should I choose for my home?

Over time, older windows and doors can gradually succumb to wear and tear. Aside from hurting the aesthetics and saleability of your home, worn windows are also more prone to condensation and heat loss, which leads to higher energy bills. If your current windows and doors are losing their luster, it’s worth enquiring about having

7 ways to make your home more energy efficient

energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is something that is increasingly becoming more and more important in everyday life for not only reducing your household’s carbon footprint but also reducing your household bills. Making your home more energy-efficient sounds like something that could be both confusing and time-consuming when in fact it is mainly rather fast and simple. There

Solar energy can help keep health facilities alive worldwide

solar power

From women giving birth in the dark to surgeries conducted under candlelight and children being left vulnerable because vaccines cannot be refrigerated, lack of reliable power in health facilities has contributed to poor health access. Governments are not willing or lack the resources to expand the power grid to remote areas. In the hot and

Advantages of having roof insulation


Did you know up to 35% of a building’s heat loss occurs through the roof? More than any other area of a building, the roof makes the most difference to thermal regulation inside. Installing roof insulation is the best way to help prevent heat loss through the roof, and can lead to significant savings on

Becoming more energy efficient this winter

energy saving

Want to save money on your bills over the colder months (and help the planet!)?  Here, LPG bulk tank supplier, Flogas, offer some timely advice: Don’t neglect draughts Energy wastage can be caused by many things, including draughty floors, windows and doors. Although they might seem small, gaps and cracks have the potential to let

Solar 101: 6 things you need to make your solar panel system

solar power

When thinking about switching to solar energy, you will really need to do some thorough research. The first thing you will need to decide is whether you want to attach your solar system to the grid or not. This will help you determine all the elements you will need to get for your preferred option.

10 easy ways to save energy around the home

energy saving

Are your energy bills getting out of control? Concerned about your carbon footprint? Saving energy and reducing your outgoings is easier than you might think! Follow these 10 easy tips to get you started… Switch to energy saving light bulbs They may be a little more expensive, but energy saving bulbs last much longer and

How to make your garden eco-friendlier

eco-friendly garden

With the threat of climate change looming large, more and more people are looking for ways to improve their eco-friendliness and sustainability at home and in the garden. Whether to protect the planet, or to reduce energy bills, becoming more environmentally-friendly is one of the major steps we can all take towards combatting the highest

Sustainable lifestyle and green living tips for families

green living

If you are like most people, you want to make choices that are good for the environment, but you may not know exactly what to do. If you are a parent, you may worry that your family won’t be able to make sustainable choices or may fear that your green living efforts aren’t going to

Start living off the grid

living off-grid

Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “going off the grid?” Referring to becoming independent from the primary utility systems of the country, it sounds a bit difficult to do. However, you don’t have to go overboard. The easiest part of leaving the grid is to become independent when it comes to electricity. Deciding to become energy-independent