It’s not an easy or a quick decision. What is the best way to cover your floors? Can you choose between wood flooring, laminated flooring, or carpeting?
Wood flooring is one particular type of floor covering that stands out amongst the crowd. At the end of the day, the decision is all yours, but let’s take a look at just six of the many advantages of choosing wood flooring for your home.
You may be surprised to find cost included in a list of wood flooring benefits. Wood flooring, however, is an investment. It will not need replacement in a hurry, and requires less maintenance. The price of your wood flooring can also be determined by the following choices you make:
- Type of wood: Some trees are rarer than others. Mahogany and walnut are not as abundant as oak and maple.
- Flooring choice: Engineered wood flooring is less expensive than solid wood flooring. Similarly, unfinished flooring will cost you less than finished flooring.
- Design: The various styles, for example, Chevron, Plank, Versailles, and Herringbone flooring, require different fitting methods, which can impact your final payment.
The durability of any flooring depends on your type of furniture, the amount of traffic, and the freedom you allow your pets! Solid wood floors endure heavy furniture well, but if you are cultivating a veritable garden inside your living room, engineered wood floors handle all that water with much more finesse. Unquestionably, wood flooring lasts much longer than carpeting or vinyl floors.
Wood flooring will never clash with your chosen décor. It has a universal appeal, which does not fluctuate with the times. Do you decorate your home in a traditional style, or with a more contemporary look? Have you suddenly developed a taste for art deco, and are not sure what to do with your wood flooring? Leave it right there. It goes with everything! Not only that, the colour of your wood floors does not fade quickly, but if you do wish to change your colour, this can be accomplished without any difficulties.
Heat retention
Wood flooring is not cold to the touch. In fact, wood retains heat, due to its tiny, pore-like hollows. Not only does it retain heat, it also gives the room a warm look-and-feel. It is simply cosy. Note, as well, that engineered wood flooring works well with underfloor heating, as it provides an even distribution of heat.
Health and hygiene
One of the health benefits of wood flooring is its contribution to air quality. Wood floors are particularly beneficial to allergy sufferers. Pollutants and unpleasant odours get absorbed into the fibres of carpeting. However, dust, pollen, and dirt can be very easily removed from wood flooring, with a quick sweep and your trusty mop.
Real estate value
If you add wood flooring to your home, the worth of your real estate rises substantially. Whether you have upgraded your floors to solid hardwood flooring or engineered wood flooring, you won’t have trouble selling a home with this value-added lure for potential buyers.
This post was written by Martin O’Callaghan, founder of Wood Flooring Ireland. Martin has been in the parquet industry for over 30 years gaining vast experience in the industry. They specialise in handmade bespoke wood flooring.