Spending time outdoors is really amazing, and if you have your own garden then even more so. When it comes to planning your garden, then things can get a bit overwhelming. So much to choose from, and so many plans to make, it may seem scary. But luckily, we have some answers.
We’ve searched the internet and gathered up top 10 tips for planning a nice nature-filled, yet child-friendly garden for you. So, let’s begin.
1. Make some pallet wood furniture
One of the hottest topics in the DIY world lately is reusing old pallet wood for different purposes. With just some small modifications, few hand-made cushions, and a simple color job, you can have your own designer furniture filling that favorite spot in your garden.
2. Reuse old tree stumps
If there was a tree in your garden, and there still is an old stump, you don’t necessarily need to remove it. Old stumps can be quite useful, for example – you can use it as a bird feeder stand or place flower pots within, to bring it back to life. You can even carve it and make it into a wood sculpture – your own art piece in the garden.
3. Add rope lights
One amazingly cheap trick to help your garden stand out when the sun starts setting down is to add some rope LED lights along your pathway, and throughout your garden. Rope lights are really affordable and easy to set up, and you can use them to lead the view through the garden or emphasize certain elements of it.
4. Implement kids’ corner
If you have kids, or your family often visits with theirs, make sure you have a safe and interesting kids’ corner in your garden. A small tree house, chalkboard wall or a secluded part for hide-and-seek can bring hours of fun to little ones, while your family is having a great outdoor experience.
5. Add a hammock
Another great accessory in basically every fun garden is a hammock. Big or small, for one person, or for more, having a hammock in the garden really shifts the focus of attention. Whether you use it for a nice summer afternoon nap, or you play with your kids in it, a hammock is one of the most popular, yet cheap garden accessories.
6. Use cinder blocks
If you’re original enough, you can use cinderblocks for various purposes throughout your garden. Experts from landscape design Sydney have worked on various great garden designs, and they say it’s amazing how widely applicable use of cinder blocks is. You can combine them with some wood and make benches and tables out of them. You can also make a small garden fountain out of them. They are great for small gardening, and spacing between plants, so basically, with cinder blocks, only your imagination can limit you.
7. Add hanging lanterns
Using some old jars or punctured tin cans, and some led lights can really make your garden look like it has fallen out of a fairy tale. These interventions are very cheap and quite easy to do, and with proper placement, your garden will be both well-lit and appealing.
8. Reuse old bottles
Old wine bottles can be used for making bird feeders, or as flower pots. You can make a unique fence out of them, or break into pieces and use small glass shards as decoration. Be careful, though, this process can get a bit dangerous, so always protect yourself when working with glass.
9. Make your own stepping stones
Use concrete or plaster and mix it with added glass shards, metal scrapes and similar items, otherwise looked at as trash. Define the shape, and let it settle. Once it’s dried, get it out of the mold, and you have your own custom stepping stones. Before you start making them, define the area that will be covered, so you can design them accordingly.
10. Add some color
With some old jars, old bottles and even some old footwear like old rain boots you can make amazingly simple, yet intricate flowerpots and gardening areas. Try to make at least one part of your garden as colorful and lively as possible, in order to emphasize the rest of it.
There are some great ways to make your garden look amazing, and we’ve selected these 10 as a great example of how to approach the adaptation. With some imagination, spare time and determination, you can make your garden become a peaceful oasis for your family.