How to get rid of bees

Bees are the most common pollinating insect and a necessary part of the agricultural system. But these are not welcome signs for them to be buzzing around your family in your home or garden. Removing bees from the corner of your house or car can be a challenging task and depends on several levels.

Below are some methods of how to get rid of bumble bees easily and effectively:

Know your bees

Identifying which type of bee you are about to deal with is the first step. Mostly, the bees that we see inside our houses bees that are honey, bumble, or carpenter bees. Often, people get confused between a carpenter bee and a bumblebee, since both are similar in appearance. But, knowing how to get rid of bumble bees might not be the same as how to get rid of carpenter bees.

1. Honey Bee

Honey bee

While honey bees are very beneficial and not aggressive, their nests can be very heavy since the queen produces thousands of workers. Also, they are the only species where the relocation of the nest from your home is the preferred method.

2. Carpenter Bee

Carpenter bee

These bees are oval in shape. They burrow and dig three-eight inch holes into a surface. These bees are solitary in nature and rarely cause damage to structural beams. But, once the individual nest starts to multiply, it eventually destroys the surrounding surface wood.

3. Bumble Bee

Bumble bee

These bees are aggressive only when threatened. They make their nest on fluffy and loose materials and sometimes can be found underground. These bees are social and live in huge colonies led by a queen bee.

Removing bees from your home and car

Human structures are very attractive to the eyes of bees as these structures are similar to cavities, like tree hollows. In any case, if a colony of bees takes up residence in your home or vehicle, you can take the steps below to get rid of them. Also, an added tip is that since bees are diurnal in nature (active during the day); the best time to deal with a hive is at night.

Removing bees from your home

Removing bees from your home can be very easy or very difficult, depending on how the hive has been positioned and where. In order to remove a hive, which is outside a wall, make sure you are wearing a bulky protective layer of clothes to protect you from stings. Next, spray the exposed hive with pesticides and repeat the next day. Once the bees are dead, remove the hive from the location to avoid wax melting and damaging to your wall.

If the nest is inside the wall, it would probably be better to call for professional help. In any case, do not plug the entry point of the wall since the bees in the hive will seek out another exit, which will lead them straight to your living areas.

Removing bees from your car

Removing bees from your vehicle is a difficult task. It depends on the location of the nest and is a dangerous procedure. You should be wearing protective clothing and work only at night to remove the nest.

Some sprays and pesticides will kill the bees after a few uses. But, the safest option is to call a professional bee removal expert. Driving or letting the motor run will not eliminate the nest and might agitate the bees more.

Removing bees naturally

There are also methods to remove colonies of bees naturally. But, you might first want to test these methods out and figure out which one works out well:

1. Bee lure

Bees are attracted to sweet smells and will often relocate to nearer food sources. Cut ripe mangoes or pears and place them in an open sandwich bag 20 feet away from the nest. After some days, move the bag further away from the hive. Continue this process till the bees stop locating the original hive location and start setting up a new hive closer to the bait.

2. Bee repellent

Bees are as repulsed by bad and pungent smells as much as they are attracted to sweet smells. One simple and efficient method to repel bees is to sprinkle garlic powder around the hive area or where the bees congregate. Bees will avoid that area. Additionally, the powder proves to be lethal for the bees as well.

3. Natural pesticide

Add a teaspoon of canola oil or vinegar to a quarter of water and put it in a spray bottle. This mixture not only makes it difficult for the bees to fly and breathe but adding dish soap breaks the surface tension of water droplets and makes the spray more effective. However, the downside is that the spray has to be used directly on the hive. Therefore, it is necessary to wear protective gear before using this method.

Bees do their part for the garden and nature, but they can also cause problems in homes. Bees are a threat to small children and adults alike. Not all families can keep them around. However, learning how to get rid of bees is not difficult and can be done without getting stung.