There are hundreds of types of metal and plastic garden mesh to choose from. They all serve a variety of purposes including animal enclosures, fencing, support structures for plants, decoration. But the choice can often be confusing. For the majority of gardeners one or two types of mesh can be versalite enough to suit all of your requirements.
Green Garden Mesh
One of the most versatile meshes available. Green garden mesh is made from steel wire mesh covered in green PVC plastic. It is semi rigid and will bend into shape making it handy for a number of gardening applications.
1. Protecting Crops
Green garden mesh can be used in your garden without distracting from the scenery. If you use it to create a fence around your crops it won’t distract too much from the way you want your garden to look. The mesh is strong enough to prevent small animals such as rabbits chewing through the wire and keeping them away from your vegetables patches. To construct the fence, simply attach the mesh to wooden posts every 5 meters using a staple gun or zip ties.
2. Animal Enclosures
Another common use of this type of mesh is to create animal enclosures. The mesh is flexible and lightweight, making it very easy to manipulate. You can attach this mesh to the enclosure’s wooden frames/posts with a staple gun. While some companies offer custom lengths, allowing you to select the exact amount you need, it is often sold in large rolls. If this is the case, you will probably need to cut the product down to size. You can do this with a sharp pair of scissors or wire cutters.
3. Tree Guards
During the winter months when food is scarce, rabbits and other small animals chew on young bark which damages the tree. This mesh will create a great tree guard which will stop this from happening.
To make a tree guard wrap the mesh around tree then cut it once the edges meet. Use tying wire or zip ties to attach the two ends. The mesh will last for years until it needs replacing or the tree outgrows it.
4. Fruit cages
If you’re growing fruit in a rural area, you might be plagued with birds after a free meal. This mesh can be used as a cage around the area, deterring animals from trying to feed. The soft PVC coating will stop the animals injuring themselves. To stop digging animals from burrowing beneath the cage, you can lay the mesh under a layer of dirt around the perimeter. Once the animal reaches the mesh, it will stop digging.
5. Anti-slip surfacing
Green garden mesh can also be used for anti-slip surfacing. This is ideal for decking during winter as it can quickly ice up and become hazardous. For this, you will want to purchase mesh with a larger hole diameter such as 50mm x 50mm. To secure the mesh, you can attach the mesh to the surface using staples.
Wire Fence supplies a variety of mesh types for gardeners from versatile multi use mesh through to specific mesh used for farming and professional applications.