
How to care for your outdoor furniture

You’ve invested in some beautiful outdoor furniture, now it’s time to keep it looking its best for years to come. In this article we’ll share some tip & tricks for maintaining your garden furniture so that it always looks as good as new! Wooden garden furniture Good quality wooden furniture should be fairly weather resistant,

The most desirable rattan dining sets

rattan furniture

Over recent years, outdoor design has increasingly come to be seen as a continuation of indoor design, with homes and gardens merging seamlessly into each other. As a result, garden furniture, such as outdoor dining sets, is now an expected to be as stylish as your indoor furniture, even though it has to be much

Garden space saving ideas with rattan furniture

rattan furniture

Stress buster for me is my home and especially my garden. After a hectic day at work, I prefer to spend some quiet moments with me in my garden. Well, even on a lazy Sunday morning, this is the place I prefer for my afternoon nap. It is a small space but I have done