For some people, having a few pests creeping in the corners of their home isn’t a big deal. But for others, just a few pests in the home is enough to send you running for the door.
While some household pests, like spiders, will cause you no harm, others, like mice, ants, and fleas can cause harm to those inside the home by spreading disease or just being a menace when it comes to your food (we’re looking at you, ants).
So, to help keep your home pest free, follow these 6 helpful steps!
Keep Your Landscaping Well Groomed (Mow Your Lawn, Trim Shrubbery and Rake Up Leaves and Sticks)
One of the best ways to ensure that your home remains pest free is to keep the area around your home well-groomed and maintained. This is because messy, overgrown yards will attract these pests as they use it for protection. Then it’s only a matter of time before they come inside your home.
Make sure that you mow your lawn often, trim your shrubbery and rake up leaves in the fall and sticks after storms to keep those pesky pets off your property and searching for cover elsewhere.
Seal Cracks and Holes in Your Home (Limit Entry Points)
Even if you keep your landscaping is exceptionally well-taken care of, a few pests may still make their way into your home through any cracks and holes in your home. These are known as the ‘entry points’ in your home, which are typically your doors with gaps between the frame, and anything else that can open up into the outside.
Check and double check all these possible entry points for pests and make sure that they are sealed tight. Caulk, steel wool, foam, and wire mesh can all be used to fill these gaps you may find.
Keep Your Home Clean and Tidy
A messy home is a home where pests will thrive, so it is crucial that you keep your home clean and tidy. Not only is a clean home less likely to attract insects and other pests, but you’ll also be able to identify if you do have a type of infestation easier, as the pests will have less places to hide. If you find that your home is in need of some serious cleaning, it’s a good idea to consider hiring a professional cleaning service to get the job done for you.
Make Sure Your Basement and Attic Are Well Ventilated and Dry
This step is crucial for making your home pest free. Most pests and insects will thrive in damp areas, especially in the basement and attic areas. You can use a mechanical ventilation method or a basic installation system to keep your basement and attics dry.
Repair Rotting Wood
Wood rot can be attributed to many different causes, including weather exposure, plumbing leaks, flood damage, and foundational cracks. Termites, carpenter ants, and wood beetles are all attracted to rotting wood and any areas in your home with wood rot are at great risk for infestation. Contact a carpenter or local handyman who can help in repairing any rotting wood.
Check Often to Make Sure Your Windows Are Well-Sealed
It’s especially important to make sure that your windows are well-sealed as winter nears, due to the fact that insects will start looking for shelter from the cold. Inspect all your windows and look for holes or damage, clean the area and buy high quality caulk to seal up the cracks. Moisture resistant caulk is recommended to achieve the best results.
If you don’t want any pests in your home, make sure that you follow all these tips!