Construction equipment is important, and construction work cannot be done without it. Equipment like bulldozers and backhoes make construction work easy and allows workers to work at a much faster pace.
However, this equipment requires proper maintenance as it is susceptible to wear and tear due to constant use. It is therefore pertinent to regularly clean and maintains construction equipment as this makes them last longer.Maintaining your equipment regularly also keeps one informed on minor damage and how best to quickly solve them to prevent further damages.When you allow materials like dust, dirt, and mud to accumulate, they can block vents and provide friction on moving parts. They can also damage electrical components and cause them to break down. Failure to regularly clean these equipment makes it harder to clean by the time you decide to. Poor maintenance also results in overheating and blow out of heavy-duty construction machinery like bulldozers, aluminum dump trailers, tractors, among others. This can be hazardous to your workers and those around you. When your equipment is clean and regularly maintained, it is easier to use. Clean machinery also does your company good as it provides credibility. To clean them, you need the required tools and also need to follow certain safety procedures. It is vital that you set time apart for cleaning your equipment. Here are the most critical products needed for cleaning construction equipment:
- Protection equipment like overalls which protects the workers. It is also important to put on footwear like commercial rubber shoes,face shield to protect the eyes and leather or rubber gloves to protect the hands. This equipment protect the workers cleaning the equipment and keeps them safe from any hazard associated with heavy construction equipment.
- Washing pads and racks: Before cleaning, it is important to construct a suitable wash pad as this contains waste water from your cleaning activities and prevents them from contaminating groundwater and reservoirs. The wash pad is an enclosed space that collects dirt and grease and recycles excess water so it can be reused. It does not allow wastewater and solid wastes like mud and dirt flow out. This can mess up your work environment. Your wash pad should also be constructed in a way that it provides a reasonable disposal system for solid wastes. Constructing a wash pad depends greatly on your company’s requirements and the size and function of the construction equipment.
- Washing materials: The kind of washing products varies depending on the equipment you want to clean. Heavy equipment such as gravel trucks and excavators require the use of pressure washers. These are more effective than hand washers. They have high pressure and are usually attached with small diameter hoses. You can easily wash away hidden sand and dirt off this equipment. With pressure washers, you can easily clean heavy duty construction machinery such as tractor trailers, excavators, dozers, dump trucks, and many others. You can also select the right pressure washers and regulate the pressure through a narrow nozzle. It is also advised to use heated pressure washers as hot water makes cleaning easier. They can easily remove dirt better than cold water. Washing detergents are also essential materials as water alone cannot effectively clean the equipment. Detergents make cleaning easier as they are able to dislodge and wash off organic and inorganic contaminants. Using detergents makes the work easier and cleaner.
Maintaining your equipment requires the use of lubricants, especially in the moving parts of the equipment. They protect them from friction and from wear and tear.
Here are steps on how to clean your construction equipment:
- Place the machinery in a wash rack with the necessary cleaning materials. Dismantle all the removable parts to wash using a manual method.
- Using a spade and a steel bar, manually remove dry chunks of materials such as rocks and clays. Remove and properly dispose of these materials before proceeding to the next step.
- Using a water cannon, remove other chunks of materials that are hidden or could not be removed manually. The high pressure softens grime like grease and makes it easy to wipe off. You can also make use of detergents. However, it is important to avoid using too much and to avoid using it in areas like your engine compartments and radiators. After using detergents, leave it for about 15 to 30 minutes
- Use your pressure spray to wash off the cleaning solvent, starting from the top of the equipment and to the bottom.For tight spaces and joints, you can wash them off manually using a hand scrub. You can also clean rubber tires and glass surfaces manually using a suitable cleaning agent/ surfactant. Check the tires and be sure they are in perfect shape. To use a pressure washer, be sure to employ those with knowledge on how it works and the required pressure needed.
- Towash the interior, use a manual hand wash and vacuum. Once cleaning is completed, allow the machine to air dry and then move from the wash rack.
- Be sure to protect the electrical parts like wires and circuits from water, dusts, and snow. Regularly check those parts and take precautions when using a pressure hose for the exterior.
- As a final precaution, check areas around your wash pad to be sure no contaminant is flowing out. Get rid of solid wastes and clean off mud from the wash pad surface.
- Once completed, your construction equipment is as good as new. Be sure to store them in a suitable storage space that offers protection from rust, heat, cold and corrosion.
While maintenance makes your construction equipment last long, it is important to use the equipment wisely and to consider its limits. Avoid overuse as this can cause overheating. In addition, avoid using your equipment in extreme weather conditions as this can cause it to break down quickly. Cleaning construction equipment is a commitment and should be taken seriously. With the proper precautions in place, you do not have to waste money on repairs or replacement.
About the Author
William L. Vinci is the content manager at warrentrailers.com which specializes in making the best and long running bodies for the trailers and dump trucks. By using the most modern methods and technology and we have best results in service of steel dump trailers, aluminum dump trailers and hydraulic fifth wheels.