Your garden plays a key role in beautifying your property. A well manicured, well taken care of garden takes a lot of time, effort and investment to make it look like the way it does. Despite that it is an outdoor area of your house, it is still part of your property and you have invested in it. Therefore, you need to protect it against any possible damage. Fencing is a great way to physically protect your garden. Fencing your garden not only minimizes chances of damage but also makes it look more appealing. You can use different styles of fencing to complement the overall architecture of your property in order to make it look beautiful. There are several reasons why fencing is important for your garden.
Prevents Mowing Outside Your Garden Area
When you are running a lawn mower in an open space, the super aggressive machine can perform overwhelmingly and can end up mowing over part of lawn that was not intended to be mowed. A carefully planned garden fencing and help avoiding such accidents and will help your mower to stick to the area where it is supposed to work.
Defines Space
When you fence your garden, it gives you a definite geometrical area of your garden. This means that you can now precisely measure how much plantation you will need to do and at what distance. It will also give you an idea about the quantity and proportions of gardening ingredients such as fertilizers and pesticides that you will require for your garden space.
Keeps Rabbits Away
Rabbits are one of the most notorious garden invaders. If you have planted vegetables in your garden then it is going to be a rabbit’s paradise. These cute looking creatures can be disastrously destructive when it comes to gardens and the last thing you would want to see in your beloved green space is a bunny. In order to make sure that they do not trespass in to your garden, use a one inch chicken fencing that is high enough to keep the rabbits from hopping over it and deep enough to keep them from burrowing into the ground. Ideally your chicken fence should be at least 2 feet high and 6 feet deep underground to make sure that rabbits keep off the limits.
Keeps Dogs Out
Dogs love vegetable gardens and you will not like your neighbor’s pet taking a casual stroll in your garden treating himself with a feast. Imagine that you spend weeks landscaping your lawn and one fine day you find it all dug and gnawed. It will be heartbreaking to see your beloved hydrangea nibbled down to pieces.
You can use wood fencing or chain fencing to keep dogs and other animals out of your garden (it will also stop those pesky cats from chattering in your garden). However, wood fencing can be expensive. A good fencing will help you deal with these destructive pets and will help you save your garden. If you do not have the budget to install those classy looking high fencing around your flower beds, electrical fencing can be a great idea. Electrical fences are made out of electrical wires and are very practical and easy on pocket. They just emit a static shock string enough to alarm the dog and keep him off the limit without causing any physical harm to the animal.
Notorious Kids
It can get really annoying when the neighborhood kids continue to end up throwing their ball in your garden and then walk in to retrieve it without showing any kindness to your well trimmed garden. Of course kids are kids and they have little idea about how much effort goes into developing and maintaining a garden. You cannot explain a kid why your flower beds and vegetable plants are far more valuable than his ball. Good fencing can help you address the issue and make sure that kids do not casually run into your space for any reason whatsoever.
Looks Attractive
Fences make your garden look neat and physically attractive. There are a number of fences available in the market and it depends on your creativity that how do you design your garden and make use of fencing to merge it with the overall building. Fences are available in different sizes, material and colors and your can get as creative as you can be. These fences are available in different price ranges so you can always choose from the ones that fit your budget. If you don’t want to fence your garden with a sold material, you can use dense flower beds with different flowers in vibrant colors to enhance the structure of your premises. Adding boulders, stones or rick borders around the flower beds and using stones to create pathways looks very attractive and adds a more aesthetic touch to your garden.
If you are in Cardiff looking for fencing for your Garden feel free to get in touch with Urban Landscapes Cardiff. Our professional consultants will help you design a great aesthetic fencing for your garden that will fit your requirement and budget.