Summer has yet to finish, but it is still as good a time as any to start planning for when winter comes around. There are a lot of things you must do, if you use a greenhouse, to get it reedy for the harsher, colder and shorter days. Regardless of whether you are considering on shutting it down completely or would prefer to keep growing even through winter time, we are here to help. In this post we will look at some easy to follow and practical tips that will ensure your greenhouse is adequately prepared for winter.
Insulation Before Beginning Hibernation
Do you like throwing good money away? If you do, then avoid at all costs providing proper insulation for your greenhouse before winter comes. If, however, you prefer not to waste money if you can avoid it, take a reasonable amount of time and spend money wisely on greenhouse insulation. By keeping the cold and unforgiving winter atmosphere out of your greenhouse, you will save yourself a buck or two. Foam weather stripping and silicone caulk are ideal for sealing up your greenhouse effectively.
By keeping the heating down at the same level as your plants, you are going to save yourself a lot of money. There is no point in heating the air high above your plants, so don’t bother. Any fans that you are not using now should be covered on the outside and inside to ensure that heat is retained, and it should go without saying that investing in a good quality greenhouse heater will go a long way to helping your plants survive throughout winter.
Assess Your Current Greenhouse Heating System
If you already own a greenhouse heater, you should arrange for it to be inspected and assessed by a qualified professional. It is often the case that the business you buy the fuel for your heater, if you are using a gas one, will come out and look at yours for next to no cost at all.
Avoid making the mistake that so many people fall for in thinking that just because their heater worked fine the last time they had it on before shutting it down when spring came along. A lot of things can happen when it is not in use through spring and summer, so it is always best to safe rather than sorry. The last thing you want is for that cold snap of winter to hit and then and only then you discover that your heater is not functioning the way it should be.
Put it through its paces properly by giving it a test run and be sure to replace any parts that have stopped working. You need to also make sure that you clean it thoroughly and oil any of its moving parts as required as outlined in the user manual.
It is highly recommended that you also invest in some kind of back-up heater, like a portable model in case your power supply fails or you run out of gas. Protect your investment better with greenhouse monitors and alarms.
Assess the Integrity of Your Greenhouse
It is crucial that you make sure also that the glazing in your greenhouse is as secure as it can be. Be on the lookout for any steel springs that could have loosened and make sure all the screws and fixtures are in place, being careful not to overtighten the. All this preparation is key before the winter weather takes effect, because you don’t want to be strapping down or trying to re-affix the roof of your greenhouse during a blizzard or insulating it better in the middle of a cold sharp shower of rain.
On the subject of blizzards, if snow is a real possibility in your area, you need to make sure it is even more secure.
Relax and Enjoy
If you intend to use your greenhouse for growing plants throughout winter, choose the kind of crops that like it a lot colder than the rest and take the time out to relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor through those colder months, before it’s warm and bright again and time to get busy!
Winter is a huge issue for greenhouse owners, but it only comes once a year and fortunately with some common sense, forethought, planning and of course, the tips above you can ensure it is safe and ready for those freezing temperatures.