
Gardening tips that will stun your guests

gardening tips

Are you lucky enough to own a home? If so, you’ll definitely want to go above and beyond to keep your garden looking amazing. Just remember that a garden can be a lot of work. If you do not have the patience, you shouldn’t even get started. The good news is that there are some

Simple ways to make your garden appear bigger

small garden

Having a big and beautiful garden is the dream of many homeowners. With the gardening tools and technologies available today, creating a beautiful landscape and maintaining the garden are both very easy to do. Having a beautiful landscape to complement the property is no longer a farfetched dream to many. Unfortunately, not all properties are

How to create your own Japanese garden

Japanese garden

Japanese gardens are designed to provide a space of relaxation and meditation, and creating your own is an authentic route to an idyllic outdoor space. If you’re planning to create your own Japanese garden, this guide includes a summary of the different types you can take inspiration from, a few ‘how to’ steps on actually

Seven tips to help you enhance the look of your backyard

As the weather starts to change and summer approaches, this is the appropriate time for you to evaluate the state of your backyard. As you go through the process of trying to figure out how you want to design your backyard, here is a look at some tips to assist you. Use Edibles Many people

The benefits of a limestone retaining wall

retaining wall

Have you been thinking about adding a retaining wall to your home? Whether you are looking for a wall that can go into the backyard, or you want to do something interesting with your landscaping, limestone retaining walls for your Perth home can be a great option. When you are choosing the retaining wall materials,

Why patios are a great idea for your home


Have you been looking at your backyard and believe that something is missing? It might be that you should add a patio to your Perth home. Patios are a wonderful feature that can provide your home with some excellent benefits. The following are just a few of the benefits that can be had from patios.

Adding a fish pond to your property

fish pond

Adding a fish pond to your property has many benefits. Before you do so though, there are a lot of decisions that must be made. How big of a pond do you want on your property? Where is the best location for such a water feature? What do you want to put in your pond?

Beautify your garden with these tips


Gardening is a wonderful hobby that offers both fitness and emotional benefits. While this type of work can be strenuous at times, it can also be very rewarding. Regardless, if your garden is filled with vegetables or flowers and shrubs, you will want to make sure it is perfect. Sprucing up a garden is genuinely

How to choose the right sand for your home & garden

garden sand

Gardening and landscaping your property is a tough job. It requires a lot of knowledge and effort to create the effect you hope to achieve. At times, it also requires the right connections to provide materials. You may have the perfect idea of what you want to accomplish, but you don’t know where to turn

Top garden features in 2018

garden trends

1. Introduction to Garden Features Nothing adds interest to a garden quite like a special feature or three. You don’t want to add too many, especially in a small garden as it will make it look more cluttered than anything. Some garden features can be simple, and others more elaborate. Take into consideration the size