
The Ultimate Guide to Eco-Friendly Pest Management

In a world where sustainability is at the forefront of our concerns, it’s crucial to extend our commitment to eco-friendly practices to all aspects of life. One area often overlooked is pest management. Traditional pest control methods may effectively eliminate unwanted critters, but they often come at a cost to the environment. Fear not, eco-conscious

6 Tips for Creating an Animal-Friendly Garden in Your Home

animal friendly garden

A beautiful garden will enhance the look of your home, raising its value. While most people prefer those beautiful plants and flowers, you can do more to make your garden animal friendly. No matter the size of your space, you can add beautiful furniture, bird baths, and other accessories that you can easily get from

8 Ways to Create a Environmentally-Friendly Garden

Gardening is an incredibly rewarding activity that allows you to enjoy the beauty of nature while also growing your own food or creating a green space that provides a peaceful oasis from the stresses and strains of modern life. However, traditional gardening practices can often be harmful to the wider environment if they utilise one-use

How to keep wildlife out of your garden

Garden pests

We may enjoy watching wildlife on our big TV screens, however dealing with it in real life can be far from the beautiful imagery we are being shown in nature documentaries. Having a beautiful garden requires a lot of hard work and it is no surprise that no one wants to see his or her

How to attract wildlife to your garden


Your garden can often be a peaceful place, a serene escape from the otherwise hectic world around us. Taking the time to create a dedicated space in your garden to relax and unwind is extremely important. For any avid wildlife enthusiasts, creating the perfect environment for any potential critters to visit your home is a

Types of deer fencing solutions

deer fence

If you don’t want your landscape plants eaten by deer, it’s important to know the different solutions available to avoid further deer damage. Deer carry ticks that can drop into your yard, which can even bite and cause Lyme disease. While you can kill ticks by spraying pesticides, it also means poisoning your landscape. Surely,

How to create a flower garden that attracts butterflies


Loss of habitat, the building of roads and houses, changes in farming and various other factors have engendered a considerable decline in the butterfly population. Fortunately, you can still attract some into your flower garden by creating a suitable environment for them.  It doesn’t matter how big or small your garden is. You can also

Encouraging wildlife into your garden – a beginners guide!

garden wildlife

Seeing wildlife in its natural habitat is an amazing thing. But you don’t have to go on Safari or head to the nearest nature reserve to find it. Wildlife comes in all shapes and sizes, which means you can discover it in your own backyard. Or better still, create a safe haven and range of

Easy ways to control pests in your house and in your outdoor space

garden pests

Ants, mosquitoes, and other pests can make it difficult to spend time outdoors. When pests find their way inside your house, things get even worse. Nothing is more frightening than stumbling across a giant spider in an unexpected place or seeing cockroaches ghost currying when you turn on the lights in your kitchen. Luckily, there

5 tips for keeping animal pests out of your garden

garden pests

Nature and all its animals and pests are a blessing, but they can sometimes be an enemy as well, especially where your garden is concerned. Animal pests can wreak a lot of havoc on your plants and can cause an individual to incur great losses. Not to worry though, since we have you well sorted.