How To Guides

Common bathroom plumbing problems DIYers make


Most common bathroom plumbing problems can be repaired or updated easily, as long as you apply a little elbow grease. But it is also very easy for DIYers to make mistakes or overlook certain things that a professional would not. Here are some of the top plumbing mistakes that DIYers make when renovating or repairing

A guide to carpet cleaning

carpet cleaning

When it comes to carpet cleaning, using a vacuum is the simplest tool available. However, over a while, the fibres in the carpets collect dust, pollutants, termites, and other bugs that not only damage it but due to pest infestation, a dirty carpet poses a health risk too. As such, once in a while, you

Start living off the grid

living off-grid

Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “going off the grid?” Referring to becoming independent from the primary utility systems of the country, it sounds a bit difficult to do. However, you don’t have to go overboard. The easiest part of leaving the grid is to become independent when it comes to electricity. Deciding to become energy-independent

Ensuring that your concrete is strong & suitable


Concrete tends to be a very relied-upon material in any construction. From the sturdy foundation to the walls to even the walkways outside, concrete can essentially be everywhere in a key construction project. It’s important then that you ensure that the concrete you’re using lasts a long time in the face of time itself, constant

Telltale signs you need a new garage door

garage doors

Garage doors provide much more than just an entrance to your garage. They offer a surprising level of utility, as they provide enhanced curb appeal and an added layer of security which protects your home. However, this can only be the case if your garage doors are well looked after and maintained regularly. When you

How to control fire ants in your yard

fire ants

The yard is the place where you rest in the evening. It is the spot where your children usually play. But if your yard has uninvited fire ants then it is a sign that you need to pay more attention to your yard. Fire ants can sting aggressively and it can cause irritation and pain.

6 tips for maintaining a beautiful garden


To have an ever-beautiful garden, with plants that last for many years and always bloom, it is necessary to take some important measures, such as fertilizing at the right time and avoiding parasites. Contrary to what you may think, this is not such a difficult task. If you want to find out how to keep

How acrylic sheets can help to improve your garden

acrylic sheets in the garden

Despite the weather’s erratic changes, it is officially summer and that means attention turns to the garden and getting it ready for relaxing evenings socialising with friends and family. Once the basic maintenance of cutting the grass and freshening up the flowerbeds is out of the way, it’s time to add some personal creative touches

What’s the proper way to care for your metal fence?

metal fencing

Metal fences have a charm and appeal that many homeowners want for their property. However, not many people know how to care for their metal fences. But to be able to maintain that charm, it needs regular care and service. While most people find this task difficult, there are simplified ways to accomplish this. Here