guest authors
Never mind curb appeal: What about superb appeal?

Whether you’re looking to sell your home to potential buyers, or you simply want to figuratively sell it as a unique and beautiful haven to your friends and family, first impressions are always everything. Yes, a beautiful interior is important, but the interior isn’t what people will see first. It isn’t the beautiful kitchen tiling …
Things to consider when buying a playhouse for your kids
Using recycled glass to make your garden sparkle
Get rid of moss on your driveway
Curb appeal tips: How to improve your home for less

Are you getting ready to sell your home? Or, do you just want your home to look its best? Focusing on curb appeal is a great way to make your home more valuable. However, improving the look of your home comes at a price, particularly if you don’t get any deals or discounts. There are …
Top tips to choose and set your garden furniture

A beautiful garden can definitely feel warm and welcoming. For this, you can make use of the patio furniture as well as beautiful plants and shrubs. There’s no doubt that the right patio furniture can change the complete look of your garden space while making it the most comfortable place in your home. When selecting …
How to compost your baby’s dirty diapers/nappies

Does your baby run through a lot of diapers in one day? If so, you should notice that disposable diapers easily and rapidly pile up, and that’s definitely not good for the Earth. Composting is a great way to help out the environment and reduce solid waste that goes into our dumps, and composting diapers …